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Batman Forever, EUR
Donkey Kong Country 2, UKV
Earthbound, USA
Illusion of Time, NOE
Illusion of Time, ESP, Annan box (tvådelad med lock/botten)
Lethal Enforcer, UKV eller EUR, inkl. pistol
Lethal Enforcer, USA, inkl. pistol
Lufia, NOE
Mario Paint, SCN
Mystic Quest Legend, NOE
Secret of Evermore, NOE
Secret of Evermore, ESP
Secret of Mana, NOE
Super Bomberman Party Pak, USA
Super Mario World 2: Yoshis Island, NOE
Super Mario World 2: Yoshis Island, UKV
Super Metroid, NOE
Super Metroid, UKV
Super Metroid+Zelda Double Pak, UKV
Terranigma, NOE
The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past (Gold Pack), SCN
Batman Forever, EUR
Donkey Kong Country 2, UKV
Earthbound, USA
Illusion of Time, NOE
Illusion of Time, ESP, Annan box (tvådelad med lock/botten)
Lethal Enforcer, UKV eller EUR, inkl. pistol
Lethal Enforcer, USA, inkl. pistol
Lufia, NOE
Mario Paint, SCN
Mystic Quest Legend, NOE
Secret of Evermore, NOE
Secret of Evermore, ESP
Secret of Mana, NOE
Super Bomberman Party Pak, USA
Super Mario World 2: Yoshis Island, NOE
Super Mario World 2: Yoshis Island, UKV
Super Metroid, NOE
Super Metroid, UKV
Super Metroid+Zelda Double Pak, UKV
Terranigma, NOE
The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past (Gold Pack), SCN